Caryophyllaceae flora iberica pdf files

Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. It is a lairge faimily, wi 81 genera an aboot 2,625 kent species. Stipules present, conspicuous though small, scarious, sometimes fused and forming a membranous collar between the leaf bases. Caryophyllaceae, there seems to be little to attract insects to these plants, which contain few useful vitamins, nutrients or other distinctive chemicals. A list of all accepted names in caryophyllaceae is available in csv format.

Flora caryophyllaceae gymnocarpos przewalskii melandriuni mongolicus s11ene mongolica stellaria pulvinata rutaceae saussurea lappa anigozanthos spp. It is a large family, with 88 genera and some 2,000 species. An annual herb growing to 15 cm in height, it is found on sandy soils, in coastal areas and on wasteland. The species are dicotyledons included in the order caryophyllales. This category should contain only articles about the genera of caryophyllaceae, when the articles are at the scientific name, or redirects from the scientific name in the case of monotypic taxa or articles at the english name. Untangling phylogenetic patterns and taxonomic confusion in tribe caryophylleae caryophyllaceae with special focus on generic boundaries. The following 6 files are in this category, out of 6 total. This is quite a large plant family, with about 2000 species in 80 genera.

The plant list includes 10,320 scientific plant names of species rank for the family caryophyllaceae. Other ecological associates while visited by small flies and beetles, it is often selfpollinated. Pdf dianthus mossanus caryophyllaceae, a new species. Distribution thefamilyconsistsofabout85 generaand2,200species. Caryophyllaceae, commonly cried the pink faimily or carnation faimily, is a faimily o flouerin plants. Lady bird johnson wildflower center focused on protecting and preserving north americas native plants through native plant lists and image galleries, conservation, education, natural landscapes, seed collection millennium seed bank msb project, preserving and restoring native communities, spreading awareness on invasive species and gardening to attract wildlife. Herbs annual or perennial, rarely subshrubs or shrubs. Stems erect to prostrate, often with swollen nodes. Clark salyer national wildlife refuge 2001 equisetaceae horsetail family equisetum arvense common horsetail. All lower taxonomy nodes 1,868 common name isynonym iother names i caryophyllaceae juss. It is includit in the dicotyledon order caryophyllales in the apg iii seestem, alangside 33 ither faimilies, includin amaranthaceae, cactaceae, an polygonaceae.

The principal differences between the three have been defined as follows. Caryophylloideae in the southern transcaucasus and adjacent regions 10. They are mainly temperate herbaceous plants, and include many popular garden plants the pinks, carnations and sweet william dianthus, babys breath gypsophila, campions and catchflies silene and lychnis and sandworts arenaria, as well as a number of weeds, including several. It is included in the dicotyledon order caryophyllales in the apg iii system, alongside 33 other families, including amaranthaceae, cactaceae, and polygonaceae. Sep 08, 2016 scientific description leslie watson, thursday 8 september 2016. The caryophyllaceae are herbs or rarely subshrubs comprising about 75 genera and 2,000 species further characterized by pplastids and usually swollen nodes. Photos of the caryophyllaceae family flora and plant communities of southwestern morocco, page 2 of 6.

Predictive biogeography of highandean caryophyllaceae in the context of climate change 10. Corolla c045, distinct, hypogynous, often differentiated into claw and limb. Cupressaceae cypress family juniperus scopulorum rocky mountain juniper. Calyx k45, coalescent or sometimes distinct, hypogynous. The caryophyllaceae, commonly called the pink family or carnation family, is a family of flowering plants. It should not contain any categories, except the category for monotypic caryophyllaceae genera. Pollen flora of pakistanlicaryophyllaceae article pdf available in pakistan journal of botany 384 december 2006 with 559 reads how we measure reads. Taxonomy navigation caryophyllales all lower taxonomy nodes 1,868 common name isynonym iother names. For a discussionofthesestructures seebelow,undermorphology. Caryophyllaceae shi zhu ke lu dequan 1, wu zhengyi wu chengyih2, zhou lihua 2, chen shilong 3. There are about 80 genera and 2100 species in this family.

Pdf dianthus mossanus caryophyllaceae, a new species from. Macropidia fuliginosa thermopsis mongolica banksia spp. Page created november 2, 2001 page last updated october 24, 2012 navigate this page caryophyllaceae. Abuhadra taxonomic studi es on thearenaria serpyllifolia group caryophyllaceae lntroduction abstract abuhadra, m. Selaginellaceae spikemoss family selaginella densa little clubmoss. Scientific description leslie watson, thursday 8 september 2016. Dryandra formosa bryandra polycephala xylomelum spp. Caryophyllaceae simple english wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In the pyrenees it is considered a rare species because it is only known from few locations of the northern side france and there are no citations in the southern side spain. Native plant database lady bird johnson wildflower center.

The below mentioned article provides an overview on family caryophyllaceae. This flora consists of 140 taxa, including 115 species, 18 subspecies, 4 varieties and 3 hybrids. Herniaria alpina caryophyllaceae in the iberian peninsula. Often the paronychioideae are treated as a separate family paronychiaceae. Sympatric and allopatric niche shift of endemic gypsophila caryophyllaceae taxa in the iberian peninsula. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Caryophyllaceae, commonly called the pink family or carnation family, is a family of flowering plants. Sepals free or only joined at the base, often with a small, dorsal, subapical appendage. Caryophyllaceae simple english wikipedia, the free. Polycarpon tetraphyllum, commonly known as fourleaved allseed also fourleaf allseed or fourleaf manyseed, is a plant of the family caryophyllaceae pinks. An annual herb growing to 15 cm in height, it is found on sandy soils, in. Taxonomic considerations and nomenclatural adjustments as a part of a revision oflinaria mill. Taxonomic studi es on thearenaria serpyllifolia group. Data on morphology, seed coat surface, chorology, ecology, synonymy and variability of 11 accepted taxa are reported.

Weber and wittmans colorado flora places the plants in alsinaceae, not. N taxonomic studies on the arenaria serpyifolia group caryophyllaceae. The leaves are simple, nearly always opposite and decussate, and are estipulate or sometimes have scarious stipules. Herniaria alpina chaix is a southern european orophyte distributed in the alps, apennines and the pyrenees. They have five sepals and five petals, but it is thought that. The atlas of florida plants provides a source of information for the distribution of plants within the state and taxonomic information. The biodiversity heritage library works collaboratively to make biodiversity literature openly available to the world as part of a global biodiversity community. Flora malesiana,series i,volume 162002151 caryophyllaceae kailarsenaarhus,denmark1 forpracticalreasons theperianthisherereferredtoas consistingofsepalsandpetals.

Stevanovic2, and gordana tomovic2 1natural history museum, 1 belgrade, serbia 2institute of botany and jevremovac botanical garden, faculty of biology, university of belgrade, 1 belgrade, serbia. It is a large family, with 81 genera and about 2,625 known species. Small trees a few, or shrubs a few, or herbs mainly. Hartman herbs small trees, shrubs, or vines, winter annual, annual, biennial, or perennial, glabrous or pubescence of simple hairs or stalked glands. A digital flora of newfoundland and labrador vascular plants caryophyllaceae. It is a lairge faimily, wi 81 genera an aboot 2,625 kent species genera. Species of caryophyllaceae contained within the plant list belong to 88 plant genera. Leaves opposite, decussate, rarely alternate or verticillate, simple, entire, usually connate at base. The results of a survey on the endemic vascular flora of iglesiente sw sardinia are presented. These data have been widely used to evaluate the evolutionary pattern of chromosome.

It is a large family, with 81 genera and about 2,625 known species this cosmopolitan family of mostly herbaceous. Caryophyllaceae pink family cerastium arvense mouseear chickweed. The flora of north america, the synthesis of the north american flora, the usda plant database, the intermountain flora, a utah flora, flora of the four corners region, and flora of colorado all place the the plants shown on this page in caryophyllaceae the pink family. They are mainly temperate herbaceous plants, and include many popular garden plants the pinks, carnations and sweet william dianthus, babys breath gypsophila, campions and catchflies silene and lychnis and sandworts arenaria, as well as a number. The caryophyllaceae have traditionally been divided into three subfamilies. Caryophyllaceae, the pink, or carnation, family of flowering plants order caryophyllales, comprising some 86 genera and 2,200 species of herbaceous annuals and perennials, mainly of north temperate distribution. The website also provides access to a database and images of herbarium specimens found at the university of south florida and other herbaria.

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